Friction Welding Holland Made for Success
Frictionwelding is the best way to weld several kinds of material together
What We Do

Piston rods
We use our friction welding machine to weld these forged or machined components to piston rods.
We weld cylinder tubes for hydraulic cylinders. Materials that can be welded as part of this application include St52, St37, etc.
Drive shaft
Also for drive shafts you can contact us. We have years of experience in drive shafts. We like to tell you more about this!
Drillpipes are perfect for a friction weld. Because of the high torque what will be achieved, customers choose for this kind of weld.
Saving materials
If you want to save money on the purchase of material we can weld a bigger piece of material to a smaller shaft.
More info?
If you would like more information about our applications, please visit our page and we will tell you more.
About Friction Welding Holland
Like all other big things we also started small! A family business which was established in 2010 and it lead to something beautiful.
Experts in Friction Welding
We are experts in the Friction Welding – also known as Frictielassen, Wrijvingslassen or Reibungsschweißen – of piston rods to piston rod eyes (forged or machined) and hydraulic cylinder bases to hydraulic tubes, as well as many other applications. We’re able to handle small batches, but especially large series, thanks to our fully-automated feed- and discharge process.
Friction Welding Holland
The perfect weld for piston rods, tubes and forgings
On this site, we’ll show you what products we can Friction Weld (Frictielassen, Wrijvingslassen, Reibungsschweißen) for you. We’ve made a number of photographs and videos available.